Monday, June 1, 2009

Such is Life...

So I don't really have that much updating to do just yet. I'm working full time at the Bookstore now that school is over. I'm planning to come visit Missouri the beginning of August, and I'm extremely excited. I miss home! :D There are no words to describe how well things are going with Michael. <3 Life is basically bliss. I get to do a little relaxing every now and then, shirk a few responsibilities (well, as much as I, being Nikki, can), and hang out with friends guilt-free (NO HOMEWORK!!!!) haha. My grades were pretty good, and my GPA went up a little. I only absolutely bombed one final. Silly Stats. But I'm over it now. haha... and now I long for a nap. So that's what I'm going to do. Night! haha

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