Sunday, September 25, 2011

All Things Will Be Revealed

You know, it's kind of hard to know something without being able to explain it. I think that part of living this life, though, is having to trust Heavenly Father without being able to explain to others why you think that way.

I think it's even harder with my friends. Sometimes you just want to say "because God says so!", but that argument never works because they always ask "where". Well most of the time my "where" is in my head after I asked, so all you can do is say "well ask Him yourself". It seems so sad these days that we're the only religion that believes in personal revelation, but I've met so many people who don't ask. Sure they ask about what school they should go to, when to have children, etc (which are all great), but I've met few who just straight up ask "What is the truth?" Because sometimes our church leaders don't match what the scriptures say exactly, so who do you go with? Go with God. The scriptures, leaders, and other sources can be wrong, but God isn't, and never will be.

But it's hard to do that because you can't just trust God. You have to trust yourself too. Because sometimes what is true for you in one situation, wasn't necessarily what someone in a different situation needed. And so you have to understand that it's ok to go against the grain sometimes. But it takes practice. Is that God telling you to skip church and go to your friends house, or is it just you wanting to do that? Because God does tell us to do things that most people say we shouldn't. Your friend could be hurt or alone and needing a friend. So you've got to practice.

But what's great is you can ask God that too. I had someone tell me once that you can ask God what a "yes" answer feels like. You can ask Him to just send you the feeling so you can recognize it more easily. We talk about different callings receiving revelation for those in their "stewardship". Well you are your own steward as well, and you deserve direct revelation from God. He may not tell you right away, but He will tell you. You've just got to do everything you can to show Him that you want to know.

I can imagine that once you've mastered this, it can be very liberating. Imagine living like the prophets of old. The ones who could walk into huge cities knowing that they'd probably be killed, but knowing that it's ok because God told them to do it. Then you can sit and smile at all those people screaming their heads off about whether or not God exists, or whether or not we should be LDS, or whether or not we should legalize gay marriage, or marijuana, or allow immigrants into our country. Because you already know the answer, and someday they'll know the answer too.

By the way, this isn't a post to tell everyone that if they disagree with anything I say then they are wrong. haha. Because God does give us all different answers too. As long as you are going with the answer God gave you, and I'm going with the answer God gave me, then we're good. Someday all of the truth of everything will be revealed, but in the meantime we just have to settle with the pieces God gives us. :D


Tikla said...

Wow, this is beautiful. Thank you.

Unknown said...