Friday, April 25, 2008


So today was much better, and I assume that I was just tired. I hung out with Hannah and we even went to see Monie. I applied for a couple jobs today. Boring! I have been enjoying Youtube though. I'm pretty excited that that isn't blocked anymore. AND... FACEBOOK HAS CHAT! Sorry, I'm probably a little too excited about that. Anyways, I've been impatiently waiting for Katryn (yes I spelled it like that on purpose) to get on. I swear... when I was there she was like obsessed with Facebook, and now that she has no classes or finals, she's never on. lol That's ok though. I've been on for three hours talking to Hannah. Sad eh?

Oh, so here's the weird part. I think I'm heading back to BYU at the end of June. I wanted to take Anthro Independent Study, but I just found out that it would cost just as much to take it over summer term. Plus Utah jobs pay more so I could take that class in the morning, and then work the rest of the time. I'm pretty excited. Plus, I love being at home, but I really love being at BYU. I miss Sedalia and everything that comes with it, but I think I'm moving on with my life. Sedalia will always be the place I want to visit, and maybe sometime in my life I would move back, but right now I think I'm enjoying adulthood. Just this morning I went through the "Do you have your phone?" "What about your license?" "You can't leave until you get it." "Now when you drive the car don't put the peddle to the floor. Let it slowly work it's way to going faster." ANNOYING! I miss doing and being what ever I freaking want. Grrrr. Anyways, point being... I really like my independence. Not that being an only child isn't great I'm just SICK of all the attention. I feel so bad for Tikla because I realize that that is kind of what I did to her. My apologies dear friend. You totally should have said something! lol. Anyway, I'm kind of tired of the "Are you hungry? Are you ok? You're always in your room. Are you mad?" No I'm just tired of answering questions.

Oh, dear. I think I'm done venting now. Don't get me wrong... I love my family. They just smother me is all. Anyways, toodles! (I had to... just once for old time's sake lol).

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